Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) - Check if an employee qualifies for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) and how much to pay them.
Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) - Calculate the qualifying week, ‘relevant employment period,’ notice period and check an employee’s eligibility for statutory maternity, paternity and adoption leave or pay.
Car Benefit - Calculate the 'benefit in kind' value of a company car and, if appropriate the car fuel benefit, and determine the Income Tax you would be liable to pay for the provision of company car and car fuel benefit.
2024/25 PAYE Tax - Use the PAYE calculator to work out an employee's PAYE tax due for any given week/month.
2024/25 National Insurance Contributions - Use these calculators to work out National Insurance contributions (NICs) for both not contracted-out and contracted-out employees, using the exact percentage method. The manual National Insurance tables are calculated on earnings bands, rather than on the exact earnings figure, so results achieved using this calculator may differ very slightly from the manual tables. This calculator provides the accurate figures.
2024/25 Capital Gains Tax Property calculator - Calculate your tax bill for disposals of property.
2024/25 Capital Gains Tax Shares calculator - Calculate your tax bill for disposals of shares.
Child Benefit Tax calculator - Calculate your estimated Child Benefit and the High Income Child Benefit tax charge you or your partner may have to pay.
Inheritance Tax checker - Calculate the approximate value of an estate to determine if any Inheritance Tax is likely to be due.